Why Use An Insurance Adviser

Prime Insurance is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet (IA). Our experienced Cargo Insurance Advisers can save you a great deal of time, money and worry. We know that insurance can be complex and at times difficult to understand, especially when you need to lodge a claim. Cargo business Insurance can be particularly complex & getting it wrong can have major implications for your business.

Our Advisers play a critical role in providing you with expert advice in respect to the risks your business may face, tailoring solutions to ensure that you are adequately protected and advocating for you at the time of a claim.

Whilst optimising value for money forms an important part of our proposition, we believe that delivering the most appropriate advice and coverage to meet your needs is our absolute priority. After all, the premium you pay can easily become insignificant in the face of a costly claim.

At Prime Insurance our advisers work closely with insurers to ensure resolution of any issues from both a policy and claims perspective. Our approach to claims advocacy also ensures that we are working with Cargo Specialist Insurers to drive the right outcomes for you and your Cargo business.

It is no secret that there are often complaints and disputes with insurers in respect to the claims process. These kinds of disputes continue to increase for business owners who are choosing to deal direct with their insurer rather than through a trusted adviser.

At Prime Insurance, we believe in delivering the most appropriate advice, the most efficient service and systems and the right insurance solutions for you.

What does an Insurance Adviser do?

Insurance Advisers are highly trained insurance and risk management specialists. Just as you rely on your Solicitor for legal matters and your Accountant for financial affairs, they act on your behalf to provide expert advice, claims support and insurance solutions to protect your very best interests. An Insurance Adviser works closely with you to understand and identify the various risks your business faces, before helping you decide the most appropriate and cost-effective ways to protect against them. This can include insurance policies, risk management strategies, or a combination of the two. Every business is different.